Why is Green Lipped Mussel Oil Better than Regular Fish Oil for Relieving Joint Pain?

Green lipped mussel oil is a dietary supplement for arthritis sufferers and people experiencing occasional joint pain and inflammatory processes.

Rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, the product is able to provide quick relief, to reduce the swelling affecting the joints and to eliminate the redness of the skin.

Helpful in joint pain management, the oil has fewer benefits compared to the powder from which it is extracted, but it is preferred by more and more people instead of regular fish oil in treating joint pain and rheumatoid diseases. So let's see why you should use the oil obtained from New Zealand green lipped mussels!

Which product has proven benefits addressing your ailment?

Of course we could just list some facts and statistics about green lipped mussel oil and say it's the best alternative for you. But the purpose of these lines is to help you understand how this product can help you and which are its properties, not to persuade or convince you.

Which is the first criterion you consider when choosing a dietary supplement? Probably the health benefits that product can provide you. Which are the proven benefits of regular fish oil? You may be surprised by this answer, but the only certitude is that this oil reduces high triglycerides levels, preventing heart diseases and diabetes.

Then, regular fish oil is possibly effective in rheumatoid arthritis, weak and painful bones, asthma and digestive problems, age-related diseases and some other conditions. But these are only possibilities and not certitudes! So let's move to green lipped mussels and see which the health benefits of this oil are.

Green lipped mussel oil is proven to be efficient in reducing pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and other rheumatoid ailments, in repairing the damaged cartilage and improving the joint's mobility. So if you're an arthritis sufferer or experience joint pain from time you time, here's the first reason for which you should opt for this type of oil!

Now let's go back to the previous question and find another criterion that most customers and patients consider when purchasing a fish or seafood dietary supplement. Definitely, the side effects are very important when choosing the product. So let's see which of these two different oils can be more threatening for your health!

Which oil has less important side effects?

Both types of oil can be threatening for people allergic to fish and seafood, for those with severe liver and digestive problems. Then, both fish oil and green lipped mussel oil can cause nausea in pregnant women, due to their smell and they are likely safe to breastfeeding mothers.

But regular fish oil can decrease one's immunity increasing the risks associated with infections and inflammatory processes and can worsen diabetes triggering obesity (obviously, a risk factor for arthritis). None of these side effects were ever reported in people using green lipped mussel supplements.

More benefits vs. fewer side effects

So why should you opt for products made of New Zealand mussels instead of regular fish oil? The answer is extremely simple and logical: green lipped mussel oil has more proven health benefits for people suffering from joint pain and rheumatoid diseases and less adverse effects that could interact with this condition!