Are You Looking For The Best Green Lipped Mussel Extract Gel?

Choosing a green lipped mussel extract gel can be pretty challenging if you're not really familiar with what these mussels are and which are their properties and health effects.

As all the brands selling topical products made of New Zealand mussels pretend their gels are the best, it can be overwhelming and time consuming to compare the compositions of these ointments in order to decide which one is safer and more efficient. Not to mention that lots of the ingredients in these gels sound completely strange and unfamiliar.

Also, it's a proven fact that a huge number of consumers choose the products to purchase based on their price. So there's really no surprise lots of buyers complain about the lack of improvements in their health problems after using a certain green lipped mussel extract gel.

Fortunately, these issues can be easily overcome by taking a closer look to the most popular and bestselling products and by carefully analyzing not only their claimed health benefits but also their potential side effects.

The easiest way to do this is to read the available reviews for green lipped mussel topical creams and ointments. But in case you don't know where to start from or you simply don't have the time to browse through dozens of reviews, you'll surely find the following data very useful.

The most popular green lipped mussel extract gel

By far the most known gel obtained from New Zealand mussels is the one produced by Pernaton. Made from freeze dried mussels, this topical ointment provides good relief from joints aches and pains caused by wear and tear but also from everyday muscular pain.

The formula of this gel makes it efficient against inflammation and swelling occurring in arthritic joints. Also, the side effects triggered by this product are minimal and generally linked with shellfish allergies. Thus, there's no surprise most customers opt for this ointment when it comes to choosing a qualitative gel obtained from New Zealand mussels.

But the problem with this product is that the shellfish used in the manufacturing process is not fresh, so lots of its active ingredients, implicitly of its health benefits, are lots. So let's check another green lipped mussel extract gel and see if it's better than the Pernaton product or not.

Middle-priced gels made of New Zealand mussels

As said before, lots of people prefer buying less qualitative products only because they are cheaper. But in case of New Zealand mussel gels, cheap doesn't necessary equal poorly qualitative and the Healtheries green lipped mussel extract gel sustains this statement.

The middle-priced product is destined to people accusing frequent muscular cramps and joint pain, as it improves the health of connective tissues, relaxes tired muscles, stimulates circulation and promotes the cartilage regeneration. Also, the Healtheries mussel gel reduces the stiffness appearing in arthritic joints and the inflammation affecting the skin covering the ill joints.

Just as the previously presented product, this one is also efficient in treating specific problems but its health effects are limited because the green lipped mussels' composition is altered during the manufacturing process. And this is actually the biggest problem of any green lipped mussel extract gel: it lacks lots of components which can only be found in raw shellfish or dietary supplements.