Green Lipped Mussel Arthritis

Green lipped mussel arthritis cures are rather new on the medical market, as these New Zealand shellfish started to be used for processed dietary supplements only during the '60s.

Although for many years their beneficial effects were not known, a trial trying to identify potential cancer cures in seafood and fish products revealed the amazing anti-inflammatory properties of these mussels.

Starting from that moment, green lipped mussel effects and interactions were researched and tested in order to see if this shellfish can be used as natural cure for various diseases and whether it interacts with pharmaceutical products or not.

The results were quite surprising: rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, these shellfish proved to be efficient in reducing inflammatory processes in various tissues. This is why researchers and physicians decided to test some potential green lipped mussel arthritis cures in patients suffering from this ailment affecting million of people worldwide.

Did green lipped mussel provide any result in arthritis sufferers?

Before giving an answer, it's important to understand how this illness appears and against which processes New Zealand mussels must act inside the organism, in order to prevent arthritis symptoms from appearing.

Arthritis is a medical condition in which the joints and the tissues forming them get inflamed, due to more or less known reasons. Although there are several types of ailments defined through the generic term 'arthritis', only two of these conditions are widely spread and these are the osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis, the most common type, is triggered by the loss of cartilage in one or more joints, process caused mainly by aging, obesity, trauma and excessive stress exerted on joints. These factors lead to stiff, swollen and painful joints and often to a more or less severe limitation of the joint's mobility, so the illness can be disabling.

On the other hand, rheumatoid arthritis interests the lining of the joints, so even if it causes pretty similar symptoms (swelling, joint deformity and immobility, bone erosion), the mechanisms that trigger this ailment are different: RA usually appears due to an autoimmune disorder which makes the body attack its own tissues.

Although these diseases are known for dozens of years, medical treatments often fail in providing the expected results and sometimes they even worsen the sufferers' health states. This is why lots of people started to be interested in dietary supplements and their ability of providing pain relief, of reducing the swelling of the joints and restoring their functionality.

Included among these natural treatments, green lipped mussel arthritis cures started to gain popularity during the '80s, after their exceptional benefits on one's health, mistakenly discovered during the cancer trial, were scientifically argued.

So are green lipped mussels really efficient in arthritis?

Yes, they are. The Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids these shellfish contain are able to stop inflammations inside the body, speeding up the healing process and restoring the ill tissues functionality. Moreover, the high glycogen content of these mussels efficiently suppresses joint swelling characterizing rheumatoid and degenerative arthritis.

Also, New Zealand mussels are rich in Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulphate, substances naturally contained in cartilages, which are damaged by the degenerative processes in arthritis. This means green lipped mussel arthritis cures promote cartilage repairing by building new tissue matrix which offers the needed support for the affected joint to heal.

But what's even more impressing about these New Zealand mussels and at the same time extremely important in arthritis management is that all these amazing properties are correlated with minimum to no side effects!

So if you're among people affected by this illness that are still looking for an efficient treatment for their condition, you should give yourself the time to check the in depth information on mussels and see how the revolutionary green lipped mussel arthritis cure that we personally tested can help you too!